Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Jim Brandenburg's pictures.


i think Jim Brandenburg limeted himself to one picture aday to preserve the magic. i feel that one picture for 90 days would really make him think about what he was doing, and the layout, and just not all willy nilly snapping pictures all over the place.


Jim Brandenburg took this picture, he was most likely drawn to this picture because of the light beaming out from the mountains, and how fantastic the ground looked. everything is just so well layed out.


my lines roll wasnt a good as i hoped for it to be, but a fantastic picture i got out of it was maggie on the stairs, the light is just beaming in and she looks fantastic. the lines leading to her adds to the beauty.


i enjoy this picture for its simpleness, and beauty. its using rule of thirds for the light bulbs. which i quite like alot. the sky is really what is so entriguing. the colors just stand out.

 this picture is lovely for many reasons, one because i have a fedish for railroads and such. the way the curve and look is just so beautiful.
 all the lines in this picture are layed out so wonderfully. the walls of the buildings and the ramp, they all intertwine just perfectly.
 what i think really makes this picture is the trees in the background, all the lines from the dock are leading to something.
what caught my eye in this picture, the trees and shrubs in the fog behing the telephone lines, they look so missed places its outstanding.


I was extreamly happy with my depth of field roll. both of the pictures i used were absolutely lovely. and i wouldnt change either one in any way. its the roll i got a 100 on. [:




Tuesday, March 29, 2011

SEVEN: Critique On My Personal Motionblur/Stopaction Pictures.

i personaly like my candels picture more than the whipedcream. although you cant really tell what the candles are, so thatd be something i would change.

SIX: Blurry/Frozen Movement.

the first picture would be used on a slow shutter speed to get the movement and a wide apperature to let the light in because its dark out. the second picture would  be an extreme slow shutter speed with wide apperature. the third picture is wide shutterspeed.
the first picture would be a fast shutter speed to catch the water before it left its form. the second picture would be at a medium shutter speed. and the thirs picture would be at a fast shutter speed.

Monday, March 28, 2011

FIVE: A Picture From The Book.

this man is getting attacked by many birds. the reason it caught my eye is that hes carring a breifcase. so hes late to work. he was running to work and he startled birds and they all flew off the ground. this has happend to me before so i found it quite comical when it wasnt happening to me.

FOUR: Draw A Map Of Your House.

Friday, February 25, 2011

THREE: First Words That Come To Mind.


TWO: List Of Future Picture Ideas.

1. Hot air balloons over the water.
2. NewYork city lights.
3. Sea grass with the ocean in the background.
4. Ocean veiw and the houses behind it. (taken on a boat.)
5. Underwater of coral and fish.
6. Mountains in Alaska.
7. Northern Lights.
8. Fighting.
9. Skydiving.
10. Wedding.

ONE: Camera and Enlarger.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Thinking like an artist.

Learning to think like an artist means:
Looking at things more closely than most people do
Finding beauty in everyday things and situations
Making new connections between different things and ideas
Going beyond ordinary ways of thinking and doing things
Looking at objects in different ways in order to generate new perspectives
Taking risks and exposing yourself to possible failure
Arranging items in new and imaginative ways
Working hard and at the edge of your potential
Persisting where others may give up
Concentrating your effort and attention for long periods of time
Dreaming and fantasizing
Using old ideas to create new ones
Doing something simply because it’s interesting and personally challenging to do